Our Strata Claims Team is also headed by Arthur Tsoukatos who has over 25 years experience in the Strata Insurance industry and held numerous National Claims Roles during his Career. Arthur has overseen over 250,000 Strata Claims, and has managed various teams during some major catastrophe events all over Australia, which arise from Bushfires, Cyclones, Hail, Flood, Earthquake and severe storms.
We understand the importance of a fast and efficient claims process and our dedicated team will ensure your claim is managed to the highest standards, and we will provide ongoing claim support and regular correspondence from lodgement until finalisation.
Step by step process
Take time to gather all information. For larger claims photographic evidence will help to support the claim.
Forward to Strataprotect
We will do the rest
Three key pieces
Details on the cause of the loss or damage
Any attending contractors view on the main cause of loss or damage/failure
Details from any attending contractor on what has been repaired and how repairs were undertaken
Common Claims
We can generally expedite the claims process within a short timeframe. Common claims and details of the documents/processes that will assist us when we lodge the claims include:
Water damage
Provide invoice to show that the cause of the leak has been rectified
Burst pipes
Composition of the pipe, condition of the pipe and the cause of the burst/leak
Police report or police report number. If graffiti, specify how many separate incidents have occurred
Provide third party/vehicle details
Specify whether the fence is a boundary fence dividing two respective properties
Check to see whether the quote/invoice has the dimensions of the glass
Phone 1300 446 787
Public Liability
Never admit fault. Refer any demands for compensation direct to Strataprotect
Missing information
Majority of claims are delayed because of missing information. Minor details like the GST status of the OC or the EFT bank account details will delay payment of a claim for up to several weeks. As a minimum, the following information is required to process a claim:
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